Holds a doctorate in the History of Science from the Universidad Autónoma de
Barcelona. He has participated in many international writers' conferences (Literature and Commitment Youth Forum, Mollina, Spain, 1993;
International Workshop for Young Latin American Writers, 1994).
His works are included in various anthologies of the Venezuelan short story. He has published
Dragi Sol (1989);
Vinko Spolovtiva, ¿quién te mató? (1990);
583104: pizzas pizzas pizzas (1995), and
Barbie (1995).
He has received several awards: the Bienal de Literatura Infantil
(Valencia, 1987), the Bienal José Rafael Pocaterra (Valencia,1988), and the Mención
Honorífica de la Bienal de Literatura de Guayana (1994), among others.
He lives in Caracas.