Stephen Fry was born in 1957 and educated at an
unfeasibly large number of educational establishments, most of which rapidly tired of him. At
Cambridge University however, he met and worked
with, among others, Emma Thompson and Hugh
Laurie, a life long friend and comedy partner.
He hosts the BBC quiz show QI (11 series), has
completed two series of Absolute Power and appeared in numerous single
dramas for television.
His film appearances have included
award winning performances in Peter’s Friends,
Wilde, Gosford Park, V for Vendetta and most recently
Eichmann. He wrote and directed Bright Young Things
in 2003.
He has written four best-selling novels, an auto-
biography, Moab is My Washpot,and a book on poetry
form, The Ode Less Travelled, and is well-known among
a younger generation as the reader of the audiobook
versions of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter novels.