Graduate in Industrial Engineering from UNAM, fiction writer, journalist and cultural critic. He has published the novels Obras sanitarias (1992), Camino a casa (1994), La verdad de la vida en Marte (1995) and Las cenizas y las cosas (2017); the stories Historias de mujeres malas (2001) and Rebanadas (2012); and the non-fiction El cuerpo transformado (2001), Guerra y propaganda (2003), Pornografía, obsesión sexual y tecnológica (2012) and Pornocultura, el espectro de la violencia sexualizada en los medios (2013). His work has been included in several anthologies of short stories, reporting and essays. He has contributed to the Sábado supplement of the Unomásuno newspaper and the La Jornada Semanal supplement of La Jornada and currently contributes to the El Cultural supplement of La Razón newspaper. He works with Letras Libres, Literal, Luvina and Zócalo magazines.