Carlos Yushimito was born in Lima, Peru, in 1977. He studied Literature at the University of San Marcos and received his doctorate at Brown University, United States. He has published the storybooks Las islas (2006), Lecciones para un niño que llega tarde (2011), Los bosques tienen sus propias puertas (2013) and El peso inevitable de las palomas (2023), as well as the volume of aphorisms Marginalia. Breve repertorio de pensamientos prematuros sobre el arte poco notable de leer al revés (2015). In 2010 he was selected by the British magazine Granta as one of the twenty-two best storytellers in the Spanish language under 35 years of age. He currently lives in Viña del Mar, Chile, where he lectures at the Adolfo Ibáñez University.
Photo: © Bernardo de Niz