Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz is a CNRS full-time researcher (DRCE). Pediatrician, director of the developmental brain imaging lab (CNRS ERL 9003, INSERM U992, Gif sur Yvette, France), she leads the developmental neuroimaging lab at Neurospin, INSERM/CEA/Paris-Saclay University, France. She uses non-invasive brain imaging techniques to investigate the development of cognitive functions in children. Her goal is to understand how complex cognitive functions emerge in the human brain by determining the primitive functions accessible to an infant brain in order to process the external word at the beginning of life, and how these initial biases in brain organization are shaped by a human environment and culture. She published pioneering work using brain imaging in infants to study language acquisition (Nature 1994; Science 2002; PNAS 2003-2013) the neural bases of consciousness (Science, 2013), number and music perception. She received several national and international awards (Prix Justine and Yves Sergent 2013; Grand Prix Scientifique de la Fondation de France, 2015; Prix Scientifique de la Fondation NRJ in Neurosciences-Institut de France (French Science Academy), 2016; Silver Medal of the CNRS, 2018) and was elected as foreign member of the National Academy of Science (USA) in 2022.