Alicia Lemus Jiménez has a doctorate in Social Anthropology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico’s Institute of Anthropological Research. She has a degree in History from the History Faculty of the Universidad Michoacana in San Nicolás de Hidalgo and a Master's degree in History from the Universidad Iberoamericana. Her lines of research are: P'urhepecha migration to the United States, social movements of the P'urhepecha people, indigenous territories and communal property, the value system of the P'urhepecha culture, production of material for teaching P'urhepecha as a second language, and intercultural education. She is part of the P'urhepecha Culture Seminar, an academic group made up of indigenous professionals with postgraduate degrees in the state of Michoacán. She currently works at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional 161 in Morelia as a lecturer and researcher. She is a candidate for researcher with the CONACYT National Researchers’ Network. She is a member of the Program for Professional Teaching Development of the Department of Public Education’s General Directorate of Higher University Education.