Vanessa Londoño (Bogota, 1985) is a writer and journalist. She graduated as a lawyer from the University of Rosario and took a Master’s in Creative Writing at New York University. In 2017 she won the Aura Estrada Literature Prize at the Oaxaca Book Fair and a Nuevas Plumas Journalism Award at the Guadalajara Book Fair. Her work has been published in El Faro (El Salvador), Americas Quarterly (New York), El Malpensante (Colombia), Revista Brando (Argentina), Este País (Mexico) and others. Her first novel, El asedio animal (Almadía, 2021), will be published in Colombia by Planeta’s Tusquets label and by Argentina’s Eterna Cadencia. The novel has been rated a success by critics as well as by writers such as Selva Almada and Margo Glantz.