Natalia Sobrevilla Perea graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in 1996 and has a doctorate from the University of London (2005). Her latest book, Independencia. A 200 años de lucha por la libertad was published by Penguin Random House in 2021 and her previous work, Los Inicios de la República Peruana. Viendo Más allá de la “cueva de bandoleros” was published in 2019 by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú press. She was a visiting lecturer at Yale University from 2005 to 2007, where she held a pre-doctoral fellowship. She has had fellowships granted by the John Carter Brown Library, the British Library, the British Academy, the Leverhulme Trust and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, thanks to which she was a visiting lecturer at the Free University of Berlin from 2017 to 2018.