Film, theatre and TV writer and director. He directed the films La revolución y la tierra (2019) and Rocanrol ’68 (2013). For television he has written and directed Largo tiempo (2018) and Historias de papel (Plus TV, 2013-2017) and was Head Screenwriter on Aprendo en casa (2020). For theatre he wrote and directed Una noche con Groucho Marx (CCPUCP, 2012/2014) and En el jardín (CC El Olivar, 2010). His third play (El rastro…) was one of the winners of the National New Drama Prize (2014) and his most recent work, Ítaca, won the 2017 Sala de Parto prize (Special Jury’s Prize). He teaches Film at the PUCP and the UPC. He has two degrees from the PUCP (Audiovisual Communication and Journalism) and a Master’s in Hispano-American Literature from the same university.