Online Events

Event 48

Sonia Mulero, Evelio Acevedo and Daniel Fernández in conversation with Miquel Molina

Building Cultural Bridges

 La Alhóndiga. Escenario Gales / Llwyfan Cymru

Culture is renowned for building bridges. That it transforms borders into meeting points and overcomes language, racial and political barriers is an experience shared and understood by those who make their home in the creative arts. Building cultural bridges between Barcelona and Madrid is the subject of the conversation to be held at the Hay Festival by Sonia Mulero, Director General of the Banco de Sabadell Foundation, and Evelio Acevedo, Managing Director of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection Foundation and Daniel Fernández, head of publishing labels such as Edhasa and Castalia and, since last December, president of the publishers of Spain.

They will talk with Miquel Molina, writer and journalist, and assistant editor of La Vanguardia.

Event in Spanish
This event has taken place

Event 39

Ana Prendes and Guillermo Solana with Ángel Cárdenas

CERN: Science and Art

 IE University. Sala Capitular

Science and art are disciplines that often take seemingly opposite paths. But each, in its own field, seeks to provide answers to society's most important questions. The European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as CERN, an eminently scientific institution, is aware of the need to involve agents from across society’s spectrum, especially artists, so that both disciplines may learn from each other's research and output.

Ana Prendes, assistant curator of Arts at CERN, communicator and project manager at Science Gallery in London, will talk with Guillermo Solana, Spanish philosopher, doctor of Philosophy, professor of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts at the Autonomous University of Madrid and artistic director of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid.

The event will be moderated by Ángel Cárdenas, expert manager in Latin America.

Event in Spanish

Event 39

Mohamed Mbougar Sarr in conversation with Jacinta Cremades

Goncourt Prize France

 IE University

He said in an interview that Roberto Bolaño changed his life as a reader and as a writer. Senegalese author Mohamed Mbougar Sarr won the prestigious Goncourt Prize in 2021 with his novel La plus secrète mémoire des hommes (The Most Secret Memory of Men), the title referencing Bolaño's famous book Los detectives salvajes (The Savage Detectives). The work is inspired by the life of the Malian writer Yambo Ouologuem, critic of colonialism, and the great tragedies of the 20th century, and is based on the relationship between the West and the African continent. He received prizes for titles such as La Cale, Terre ceinte and Silence du choeur before winning the most prestigious prize in French literature.

He will talk with Jacinta Cremades, literary critic and author of the novel Regreso a París.

The event will be presented by Isabelle Berneron, attachée for books, ideas and media networks at the Institut Français D'Espagne.

Event in French, with simultaneous translation into Spanish

There will be a book-signing at the bookstands in front of the IE University

This event has taken place

Event 40

Emilio del Río in conversation with Carlos Aganzo

Crazy about Myths

 IE University. Aula Magna

They walk among us. And they are part of our everyday lives. The gods of Mount Olympus and the heroes of classical antiquity are the protagonists of a fascinating series of myths that underpin what we call Western culture. And they never cease to amaze us. Modernising these myths and making them accessible to all is the aim of Pequeña historia de la mitología clásica by Emilio del Río, with illustrations by Julius. Del Río will talk about modernity and the relevance of myths in our lives with writer and journalist Carlos Aganzo.

Del Río is an academic, writer, communicator, and professor of Latin Language and Linguistics at Madrid’s Complutense University. His feature on RNE, Verba volant, has become a real radio success, after the success of books such as Latin lovers, Calamares a la romana or Locos por los clásicos. Aganzo is the author of some twenty books of poetry and as many travel books. Former director of Diario de Ávila and El Norte de Castilla, he is currently director of the Vocento Foundation.

Event in Spanish

Event 40

Simon Sebag Montefiore in conversation with Martin Ivens

From Russia to Jerusalem

 IE University

Historian, television presenter, fiction writer and essayist, Simon Sebag Montefiore was present for the last days of the Soviet Union and travelled around the region during the 1990s. He has written on Russia for The Sunday Times, The New York Times and The Spectator, among other magazines and newspapers. A number of his book, including Stalin>: The Court of the Red Tsar, Titans of History and Jerusalem: The Biography have been translated into Spanish. The last book published in Spain by this writer, a descendent of a distinguished family of Sephardic Jews that had branches all over Europe, has been Written in History, a compilation of important letters written about politics, culture and art by great figures who have influenced our past.

Sebag Montefiore will talk to the British journalist Martin Ivens, Editor of The Times Literary Supplement.

Once the event has finished, the author will sign books in the booth outside IE University.

With simultaneous translation from English into Spanish

This event has taken place

Event 41

Inés Martín Rodrigo in conversation with Jesús Vigorra

Therapeutic literature

 Torreón de Lozoya

The journalist Inés Martín Rodrigo made her name with her second novel, Las formas del querer, winning the prestigious Nadal Prize. Since then, she been talking about dancing a great deal. She says that writing the book was therapeutic, and let her understand herself better. Her first work of fiction was Azules son las horas, about Sofía Casanova, the first Spanish war correspondent; she has also published a compilation of interviews called Una habitación compartida.

Martín Rodrigo will talk to Jesús Vigorra, director and presenter of Canal Sur Radio’s La mañana de Andalucía.

Event in Spanish

Book signing at the stand on Calle Real

This event has taken place

Event 43

Juan Tallón in conversation with Nacho Orovio

Selfish Ambitions

 IE University. Sala Capitular

We only get one life and certain characters will stop at nothing to achieve their dreams, however unreachable they may be, and even if they come at a staggering cost. The writer determined to explore an unscrupulous character must bear in mind that to avoid cliché, everything has to fit, even when the puzzle has an infinite number of pieces. In his new novel, El mejor del mundo, Juan Tallón tackles the story of a soft-hearted egocentric who essentially understands nothing of the world around him; an outcast despite having it all.

Tallón is a journalist and writer, he has worked as a journalist in media such as El Progreso, Jot Down and El País, among others. He is the author of several books in Galician and in Spanish. He has published non-fiction works such as Libros peligrosos and Mientras haya bares as well as the novels El váter de Onetti, Fin de poema, Salvaje oeste, Rewind, and Obra Maestra. The writer will talk to Nacho Orovio, lead journalist of A Fondo, La Vanguardia newspaper’s investigative journalism team.

There will be a book signing at the end of the event in a room located at the entrance of IE University

Event in Spanish

Event 45

Cayetana Guillén Cuervo in conversation with Santiago Herrero

Spain and its Cultural Dynamo

 IE University. Aula Magna

Culture is a powerful instrument for strengthening the Spanish brand in the area of cultural cooperation. This is successfully promoted by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), which reaches two million people in 130 countries.

Actress, journalist and television presenter Cayetana Guillén Cuervo and AECID's Director of Cultural and Scientific Relations, Santiago Herrero, will discuss the image both of our culture and our artists abroad, and the opportunities to promote development through them, seeking to answer questions such as whether we are fully aware of our potential in Spain, and is our culture appreciated outside our own country?

Event in Spanish

Event 44

FT Weekend Debate

Europe’s Seventies Remix

 Aula Magna, IE University

A bitter cocktail of high inflation, low growth, spiralling energy costs and war is fuelling fears that Europe may be returning to the hard times of the past. The 20´s? The 70´s? How can it rise to the challenge?

The Financial Times Weekend brings to Segovia exceptional panels to debate this new time for Europe, moderated by its senior editor, Andrew Hill together joined by Pilita Clark, associate editor and business columnist at the Financial Times who writes a weekly column on modern corporate life. The line-up covers from the sociopolitical context, with Ivan Krastev, a political scientist, chairman of the Centre for Liberal Strategies in Sofia and columnist for the FT; the economical turnouts with Professor Gayle Allard from IE Business School, the legal and political overview of decades of leadership by former Mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena and the reading from the classics by humanist, bestselling author and political leader, Emilio del Rio.

Event in English with simultaneous translation

This event has taken place

Event 46

Francesca Bria in conversation with Miquel Molina

Sovereignty over the Algorithm

 IE University. Sala Capitular

Concepts such as algorithm, data, and artificial intelligence overlap in an ever-accelerating race toward horizons that are increasingly distant from the common good. The demand for European digital sovereignty or decentralization of digital infrastructures is gaining strength, But the concentration of Big Tech in the market is increasing in the light of the passivity of many governments.

Francesca Bria is an innovation economist, professor, and digital and technology policy advisor to the European Commission. She is also part of the Artificial Intelligence Advisory Board to the Spanish government. Along with Miquel Molina, writer and deputy director of La Vanguardia, she will discuss a key question: Are we still in time to reverse this trend?

With simultaneous translation from English to Spanish

Event 45

László Baán and Isabel Fuentes in conversation with Miquel Molina

Museums and new urbanism

 IE University

Currently Budapest has Europe’s largest and most ambitious urban cultural development, the Liget Budapest Project. An urban and cultural development plan that has transformed the Hungarian capital, involving internationally acknowledged architects, like Sou Fujimoto or Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa (SANAA). With five new buildings and half of the park area completed and three more to go, the project’s visionary, Laszlo Baan, also director of the Museum of Fine Arts Budapest, will be at the Hay Festival to explain and elaborate on the project, and how it relates to comparable projects in Europe.

Isabel Fuentes, PhD in Museology of Natural and Human Sciences, has spent twenty years working in scientific communication and cultural management in institutions such as the Residencia de Estudiantes, the National Museum of Natural Sciences and the La Caixa Foundation. She is currently the director of CaixaForumand an expert in the transformation that a museum can bring about in the city inwhich it is installed.

Baan and Fuentes will talk with Miquel Molina, journalist and writer, assistant director of the newspaper La Vanguardia.

Event in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and vice versa

This event has taken place

Event 50

Carlos López-Otín in conversation with Helena de Bertodano

An Evil Journey

 IE University. Aula Magna

There are cells that make the journey to malignancy and begin to mutate over and over until they become so self-centred they create a cancer. On top of that, they aspire to be immortal, something which should go against their own nature. Carlos López-Otín will talk to journalist Helena de Bertodano about this journey, science’s study of it, and the treatments to cure these cells.

López-Otín is one Spain’s most internationally renowned researchers. Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Oviedo, he combines his teaching work with research on cancer and aging. He is a member of the European Academy and Spain’s Royal Academy of Sciences. His group’s work has led to the discovery of more than 60 new human genes; the deciphering of the genomes of hundreds of patients with cancer or other diseases; the discovery of new genes which cause accelerated aging, sudden death and hereditary cancer. De Bertodano is a journalist specializing in celebrity interviews and profiles, as well as features and travel articles for publications such as The Sunday Times, The Times, The Telegraph, The Observer, Harper's Bazaar and Marie Claire. She has interviewed more than 1.000 people over the past 25 years, including the Dalai Lama, Meryl Streep, George Soros, Ringo Starr, George Best, Yehudi Menuhin, and Jacinda Ardern.

There will be a book signing at the end of the event in the room next to the entrance.

Event in Spanish

Event 46

Pedro Zuazua and Pablo Moro

Cat Life

 Torreón de Lozoya

Pedro Zuazua claims to be a better person since he started living with cats. In working hours director of communications at El País, the journalist attracted thousands of readers with his first book, under the provocative title En mi casa no entra un gato (No cat will come into my house). Now convinced that cats will dominate the world, he has published Días para ser gato (Days to be a cat). And not content with that, he has written an entertaining and touching show with the musician Pablo Moro. The show started its tour in Madrid and Oviedo, filling venues, and now comes to Hay Festival Segovia designed to fit perfectly into “vermouth time”. They encourage the public to propose a song to be included in the show. Send an e-mail to Pablo Moro's discography includes works such as Emepetreses (MP3s), Smoking Point, Pequeños placeres domésticos (Small domestic pleasures) and La vida solucionada (Life, solved).

They will sign at the stands at Calle Real

Event in Spanish

This event has taken place

Event 52

Carlos Aganzo, Luis Alberto de Cuenca and Diego del Alcázar Silvela

Who Killed the Count?

 IE University. Sala Capitular

On August 21, 1622, two hired assassins brutally murdered the Count of Villamediana in the middle of Madrid’s Calle Mayor in a crime that many attributed to his love for Queen Isabella of Bourbon, while others saw it as an act of revenge for his satirical verses on the ministers of Felipe III and Felipe IV. Don de la insolencia, by Carlos Aganzo, revives the figure of Don Juan de Tassis, one of the most important poets of the Spanish Golden Age. Together with Luis Alberto de Cuenca, a great connoisseur of Tassis' work, and Diego del Alcázar Silvela, Founder and President of the IE University Foundation, he will explore the Count of Villamediana’s eventful life and how his legend lives on to this day.

De Cuenca is a poet, linguist, classicist, translator, essayist, columnist and literary critic. He is Spain’s National Poetry Prize winner and member of the Royal Academy of History as well as being one of the foremost cultural figures of our time. Aganzo is the author of some twenty books of poetry and as many travel books. Former editor of Diario de Ávila and El Norte de Castilla, he is currently director of the Vocento Foundation.

Event in Spanish

Event 47

Jorge Volpi and Carlos Granés in conversation

Narrative and literary essay

 La Alhóndiga. Escenario Gales / Llwyfan Cymru

The creative personalities of Jorge Volpi and Carlos Granés meet in the intersection of narrative and the essay. Volpi, who predominantly writes novels, has garnered awards for titles such as En busca de Klingsor, La tejedora de sombras and Una novela criminal (Alfaguara Prize 2018). He also writes short stories and essays, including El magisterio de Jorge Cuesta, which won him the Premio Plural prize, and La guerra y las palabras. Partes de guerra is his most recent novel. Carlos Granés, social anthropologist, fuses the discipline with art and literature. His titles include La revancha de la imaginación and Delirio Americano, a book where he analyses the many cultural, political and ideological currents that have contributed to the invention of modern Latin America. He is a regular contributor to the magazine Letras Libres. His work El puño invisible won the Isabel Polanco International Essay Prize. The two writers will talk about the idea of their works as communicating vessels at the Hay Festival.

Event in Spanish

There will be a book-signing at the bookstand on Calle Real.

This event has taken place

Event 49

Manon Uphoff in conversation with Irene Hernández Velasco

A childhood of suffering

 IE University

In Falling Is Like Flying the Dutch writer Manon Uphoff recreates a childhood of terror, marked by a tyrannical and abusive father one who, at the same time, had a perverse charm. The death of her older sister was the trigger for Uphoff to begin writing, not a typical autobiographical chronicle, but creating a symbolic and poetic universe that connects the traumas of her past with Greek mythology, fairy tales and science. The work was shortlisted for the Libris Literature Prize and also won the Charlotte Köhler Award. Previously, Uphoff has published Begeerte, a collection of short stories, and the novel Gemis, also shortlisted for the Libris Prize.

She will talk to the journalist Irene Hernández Velasco, who has been a correspondent in various countries and currently works for El Mundo newspaper.

Once the event has finished, the author will sign books in the booth outside IE University.

With simultaneous translation from English into Spanish

This event has taken place

Event 54

Sally Helgesen in conversation with Vera Bercovitz and Stephen Adamson

Female Motivation

 IE University. Aula Magna

Women must keep fighting to achieve the transformation that unlocks the power of the present and prepares for the future. This is true despite the fact that women bring enormous potential to their work environment and an exceptional capacity for motivation. However, that alone is still not enough for them to achieve full inclusion and professional equality.

Sally Helgesen will delve into this topic with Stephen Adamson, academic director of IE Business School and Vera Bercovitz, editor-in-chief of Forbes Women magazine, after working for other publications as S Moda, Yo Dona, Vanitatis, El País Gente, Harper’s Bazaar or Icon. Helgesen has been named by Forbes as the world's foremost expert on women's leadership. She is an internationally best-selling author of books on leadership, and member of the Thinkers50 Hall of Fame. Among the books she has written are How Women Rise (where she includes her now famous "12 Habits Holding You Back"), Rising Together, The Female Vision and The Female Advantage.

There will be a book signing at the end of the event in the room next to the entrance of IE University

With simultaneous translation from English to Spanish

Event 51

Emecé Condado and Cristian Fernández in conversation with Aurelio Martín

Erotic literature as a genre: The return

 La Alhóndiga. Escenario Gales / Llwyfan Cymru

The rights of women can also be defended in the realm of eroticism. This is a central premise for the writing of Emecé Condado, who aims to demystify sex and break down stereotypes through literature. After working on blogs and digital magazines, and on the collective work Segovia erótica (Ediciones Derviche), she has published her first book of short stories, Nunca más ( Cristian Fernández, a multi-genre writer, considers eroticism an essential ingredient for romanticism, but with a critical eye for the perfect dosage. He has just finished publishing Riperdá, El Holandés Errante (Ediciones Derviche), a historical novel set in the first half of the of the 18th century. They will talk to the journalist Aurelio Martín.

Once the event has finished, authors will sign books in the booth at calle Real.

Event in Spanish

This event has taken place

Event 56

Ricard Robles in conversation with Miquel Molina

Great Music with AI

 IE University. Aula Magna

While the debate rages on about the dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI) making music into something uniform and trivial, there is a sudden proliferation of initiatives that show how technology can, in fact, help expand this form of expression’s creative boundaries.

Barcelona's Sónar + D festival has become a global forum for debate on how music and new technologies intersect. Ricard Robles, founder and co-director of Sónar, will explore the topic along with the future of macro-festivals with Miquel Molina, deputy editor of La Vanguardia and writer.

Event in Spanish

Event 52

Mark Muller Stuart QC and Álvaro Gil Robles in conversation

Democratic values

 IE University

Mark Muller Stuart QC is a leading barrister specialising in international law, terrorism and human rights litigation. He has been a member of the Queen's Counsel since 2006 and advises numerous international law organisations.

He has also written a number of books and reports on human rights and conflict-related areas, having conducted international missions in Afghanistan, Sudan, Palestine, Iraq, Oman, Bahrain, Syria, Libya, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, India, Cuba, Colombia, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Afghanistan. He is co-founder of the Delfina Arts Foundation, as well as founder and executive director of Beyond Borders, an international platform based in Scotland that works to break down borders between peoples and help facilitate wider international cultural exchange, dialogue and reconciliation.

Álvaro Gil Robles is a prestigiuos Spanish politician and lawyer, former Ombudsman and the first Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe. He has held several positions in important official bodies, among them, candidate of the European Court of Human Rights, integrating the Selection Committe, the body in charge of the Peace Agreement between the Government and the FAR, and selecting the magistrates of the special jurisdiction for the Peace Process of Colombia with President Juan Manuel Santos. He has written several books and articles in his field of expertise, including: Los Nuevos Límites de la Tutela Judicial (The New Limits of Judicial Protection). He is the President of the Valsain Foundation for the promotion and defence of democratic values, founded with a group of friends with significant work in the dissemination of these values.

Event in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish

This event has taken place
Mark Muller Stuart QC and Álvaro Gil Robles in conversation

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