Ellipsis Programme: Two Generations, One Experience

A literary experience for emerging writers and editors 

Elipsis is a Hay Festival and British Council project that brings together young editors and writers from different parts of Mexico to take part in a series of writing and editing courses and, after a year, publish an anthology of short stories. Two generations of young people have lived the Elipsis experience within the framework of Hay Festival Queretaro, the first with twelve participants in 2018 and the second with twenty in 2019. The students selected joined mentoring sessions with acclaimed English-language writers such as Rosemary Sullivan, Marcus du Sautoy, Robin Benway, Eoin Colfer, Andrew Donkin, Carleigh Baker, Rhidian Brook, Alys Conran, Dylan Moore and Gaby Wood, as well as with members of the Sexto Piso publishing house. They were also accompanied by Gabriela Jauregui and Eduardo Rabasa in the creation of each of the two volumes of the Elipsis anthology

Principal Sponsor

Poder Ejecutivo del Estado de Querétaro
Querétaro Juntos, Adelante
Querétaro y Entonces, encontré México
Querétaro Municipio
Querétaro La Ciudad que queremos

Partner for Latin America
