Event TE2

Luis Solano and Pilar Reyes in conversation with Mario Jursich

Publishing Houses. The Construction of Their Catalog: Rationality, Passion, and Social Responsibility.

Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (Salón Mutis)
Book professionals face the greatest of challenges: a questioning of their credibility. Their reputation is largely built and maintained on the methodical, serious, responsible and professional creation of a catalogue, whether this is an editorial fund, the stock of books on sale at a bookshop, or the clear and rational layout of a library’s collection. Now, more than ever, publishers, bookshops and libraries have a public responsibility with the people who use them.
With Luis Solano (Barcelona, Spain) of Libros del Asteroide, and Pilar Reyes (Colombia), an editor at Alfaguara. They will talk to Mario Jurisch.

Price: $40,000.00 (COP)
Luis Solano and Pilar Reyes in conversation with Mario Jursich