Event 79

Óscar Guardiola-Rivera and Johny Pitts in conversation with Camila Osorio

Literary pairs

Palacio de la Proclamación (Auditorio Juan José Nieto)

This event forms part of the Literary Pairs series run by Hay Festival and the British Council; as part of the initiative, each pair will repeat their conversation at the 2025 Hay-on-Wye Festival (Wales, United Kingdom). With Johny Pitts (United Kingdom), television presented, writer and photographer, as well as a curator of the electronic magazine Afropean.com, a successful mouthpiece of the Afro-European diaspora and now a book, Afropean: Notes From Black Europe. He will talk to Óscar Guardiola-Rivera (Colombia), a writer, philosopher, lecturer in Law and Human Rights at Birkbeck (University of London), and author of Si Latinoamérica gobernase el mundo, in which Guardiola reflects on the development of European capitalism, built based on flows of money from Mexico and the Andean silver mine of Potosi, looking in depth at the recent history of the development economies of Latin American and the Caribbean. His most recent book is Under the World. In conversation with Camila Osorio.

Simultaneous interpretation from English to Spanish available

All Sunday 2 February events will be free for people from the department of Bolívar. Complimentary tickets can be requested at the box office of the Hay Festival (Centro de Convenciones) showing your ID, between 27 Janaury and 2 February.

Price: $40,000.00 (COP)
Óscar Guardiola-Rivera and Johny Pitts in conversation with Camila Osorio