Event HFC3

Only Members of Hay Festival may buy tickets prior to public launch. If you are already a Member please log in. If you would like to become a Member, sign up here.

Booking for non-members opens at 1200 on Friday 27 September.

Lecture by Elisa Guerra

School in the era of Artificial Intelligence

Venue: COAR
Since the arrival of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT, the entire planet is thinking about it, and the questions are starting to pile up: will our brains be replaced by technology? What are the possibilities and the risks? Elisa Guerra, educator, author of the book La Enseñanza en la Cuarta Revolución Industrial, and former member of the UNESCO Futures of Education’s International Commission, will talk to secondary students in order to try to answer a big question: can school survive the invasion of artificial intelligence?
Event for students of COAR Arequipa
Lecture by Elisa Guerra
Lecture by Elisa Guerra

Partner for Latin America


Principal Sponsors

Fundación BBVA Continental

Government Partner

Arequipa Gobierno Regional