Event 35

María Esclapez in conversation with Marta Segrelles

Love yourself

Venue: Biblioteca Municipal Casa de la Lectura

To improve on an emotional and sexual level, the first thing is to know yourself. From there, we can help others in their personal growth. That is why advice is very important, putting yourself in the hands of those who can help us and being the people we want to be.

María Esclapez is a health psychologist with training in Clinical and Health Psychology, Clinical Sexology, couples therapist and sex coach. As a popularizer she has collaborated with numerous media outlets, both written (El País, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Elle), and audiovisual Telecinco and RTVE. She has published five books: Sexual Intelligence, Love Your Sex, I Love Me, I Love You, Your Safe Place and the novel Mujeres que arden. Marta Segrelles is a psychologist and has written Hug the Girl You Were and Dear Mom: You Hurt Me.

At the end of the event, the author will sign copies of her work

Event in Spanish

Price: €9.00 (EUR)