Event 18

Jorge Corrales and Juan Soto Ivars talk to Carme Riera


Venue: Biblioteca Municipal Casa de la Lectura

The advent of artificial intelligence raises many questions for the writing industry and, in particular, for writers, translators and journalists. CEDRO’s director general, Jorge Corrales, along with journalist Juan Soto Ivars, will have a conversation led by the writer, deputy director of the RAE and president of CEDRO, Carme Riera, to discuss generative artificial intelligence and its impact on the publishing sector. They will explore the effects of using and training these tools on authors' rights, and the concept of authorship in the face of the new challenges that these technologies present.

Soto Ivars is a writer and columnist for El Confidencial and El Periódico de Cataluña. He appears on radio and television programmes such as Julia en la Onda and Espejo Público, and also presents a special feature on censored and condemned books for the programme Cuarto Milenio. His latest publications include the essays La trinchera de letras (which won the Premio Internacional de Ensayo Jovellanos prize) and Nadie se va a reír: la increíble historia de un juicio a la ironía (Premio Fam Cultura Pop Eye prize-winner)

There will be a book signing at the end of the event.

Event in Spanish

Price: €9.00 (EUR)