Event HC20

Ernesto Galán Noguez

Venue: En el Semáforo se Aprende (Explanada Iglesia de la Cruz)

Ernesto Galán has degrees in Performing Arts and Law. He is the Artistic Director of the Miscelánea Teatro company and has written and directed a range of plays. He is also the manager of a reading space for child workers, and creator of the La Bodega forum and the La Miscelánea theatre festival. At this activity, those attending will be invited to participate in writing and group rewriting in order to stimulate creativity, fantasy, observation and memory. Participants will use and reappropriate sentences taken from the public digital space and the tangible public space. These will mix with other words, images, feelings and contexts, and so create a collective writing of “stories of a thread”.

Ages 3 to 10
Workshop for En el Semáforo se Aprende
Ernesto Galán Noguez

Principal Sponsor

Poder Ejecutivo del Estado de Querétaro
Querétaro Juntos, Adelante
Querétaro y Entonces, encontré México
Querétaro La Ciudad que queremos
Querétaro Municipio

Partner for Latin America
