Event HJ15

Petina Gappah in conversation with Felipe Bohórquez

Venue: Universidad Anáhuac, Aula Magna Edficio C

The lawyer and writer Petina Gappah (Zimbabwe) is the author of two books of short stories and two novels. Out of Darkness, Shining Light tells the story of those who carried the body of the doctor and explorer David Livingstone through African lands so that he could be buried in England. Gappah turns the spotlight on two particular characters, the cook, Halima, and the servant, Jacob Wainwright. The novel explores the collision of Europe and Africa, questions hegemonic historical discourses, and portrays the hypocrisy and deception linked to the colonisation of Africa. The author will talk about her novel with Felipe Bohórquez.

Event free for the university community
Petina Gappah in conversation with Felipe Bohórquez

Principal Sponsor

Poder Ejecutivo del Estado de Querétaro
Querétaro Juntos, Adelante
Querétaro y Entonces, encontré México
Querétaro La Ciudad que queremos
Querétaro Municipio

Partner for Latin America
