Event HJ2

BBC Mundo workshop with Andrea Díaz Cardona, Daniel Pardo and José María Rodero

Venue: Auditorio Fernando Díaz Ramírez de la UAQ
Three journalists from one of the world’s most important and prestigious media outlets will give this journalism workshop aimed at university students. Andrea Díaz Cardona, Daniel Pardo and José María Rodero, members of the BBC Mundo team, will explain the working model of the Spanish-language section of this British news service, which is over a hundred years old and is renowned for its news rigour and quality. Our guests will talk particularly about broadcasting content creation and managing the social media.
Event free for the university community
BBC Mundo workshop with Andrea Díaz Cardona, Daniel Pardo and José María Rodero

Principal Sponsor

Poder Ejecutivo del Estado de Querétaro
Querétaro Juntos, Adelante
Querétaro y Entonces, encontré México
Querétaro Municipio
Querétaro La Ciudad que queremos

Partner for Latin America
