Ewch ar genhadaeth newydd a mentrus gydag ysbïwr ifanc gorau’r byd. Ymunwch ag Anthony Horowitz, awdur y gyfres Alex Rider, wrth iddo drafod byd o olygfeydd hela mentrus, llofruddion marwol a systemau hapchwarae VR yn ei lyfr diweddaraf yn y gyfres, Nightshade Revenge. Mae dros 21 miliwn o gopïau o’r gyfres epig hon wedi cael eu gwerthu ar draws y byd.
Take on a new and daring mission with the world’s bestselling teenage spy. Join Anthony Horowitz, author of the Alex Rider series, as he discusses a world of daring chase scenes, deadly assassins and immersive VR gaming systems in his latest book in the series, Nightshade Revenge. Over 21 million copies have been sold globally of this epic series.