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Maz Evans

Oh Maya Gods!

Hay Festival 2024, 

Mae Maz Evans yn rhyddhau cenhedlaeth newydd sbon o anturiaethau Who Let The Gods Out? wrth iddi eich cyflwyno i fyd gwallgof mytholeg Maya yn Oh Maya Gods! Cymerwch ran yn yr hwyl a’r gemau wrth i ni ddysgu pwyntiau mwy manwl y gêm bêl Maya Pok-a-Tok – yn sicr – bydd gwallgofrwydd mytholegol. Maz Evans yw awdures y gyfrol boblogaidd Who Let The Gods Out?, Vi Spy a’r gyfres Scarlett Fife, ac mae hi wedi derbyn dros 30 o enwebiadau am wobrau, gan gynnwys ar gyfer y Fedal Carnegie, Branford Boase, Books Are My Bag, Gwobrau Llyfrau Plant Waterstones, Llyfr Plant y Flwyddyn Indie, a Llyfr y Flwyddyn Gorau i Blant, CrimeFest.

Maz Evans unleashes a whole new generation of Who Let The Gods Out? adventures as she introduces you to the madcap world of Maya mythology in Oh Maya Gods! Get stuck into the fun and games as we learn the finer points of the Maya ballgame Pok-a-Tok – mythological Mazness absolutely guaranteed. Maz Evans is author of the bestselling Who Let The Gods Out?, Vi Spy and Scarlett Fife series, and has received over 30 award nominations, including the Carnegie Medal, Branford Boase, Books Are My Bag, Waterstones Children’s Book Prize, Indie Children’s Book of the Year and CrimeFest Best Children’s Book.

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Maz Evans