Event HJ27

Only Members of Hay Festival may buy tickets prior to public launch. If you are already a Member please log in. If you would like to become a Member, sign up here.

Booking for non-members opens at 12pm on Friday 14 March.

Jesús Sanjurjo in conversation with Santiago Colmenares

Museo Mapuka - Universidad del Norte (Barranquilla)
The young academic Jesús Sanjurjo (Spain) will talk about his book Con la sangre de nuestros hermanos. Historia del abolicionismo y del fin del comercio de esclavos en el Imperio español, 1800-1870, in which he sets out the complex history of abolitionist and anti-abolitionist discourses in Spain and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean during the 19th century. The study covers the ideological, political and diplomatic battle that occurred up and down the Atlantic in order to ban the slave trade in the last years of the Spanish Empire. He will talk about this original piece of research, one that has received the recognition of the Journal of Global Slavery. In conversation with the History professor Santiago Colmenares.
This event has taken place
Jesús Sanjurjo in conversation with Santiago Colmenares
Distrito de Cartagena de Indias, Secretaria de Turismo, IPCC Cartagena de Indias
Gobernacion de Bolivar
Funded by UK Government
Comercio, Industria y Turismo
Fontur Colombia