Event HJ10

Eider Rodríguez in conversation with Sara Escamilla

Venue: UAQ, explanada de Rectoría, Auditorio Fernando Díaz Ramírez

The Basque writer Eider Rodríguez will talk about her first novel Material de construcción, published after producing a number of successful books of short stories. This work has notable autofiction traits, and tells the story of a childhood and family life that bear the scars of the alcoholism of her father. This honest, hard and moving story deals with the difficult relationships between parents and children in such cases, and illustrates the function of literature in the reconstruction of memory and identity. In conversation with the teacher Sara Escamilla.

This event has taken place
Eider Rodríguez in conversation with Sara Escamilla

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Poder Ejecutivo del Estado de Querétaro
Querétaro Juntos, Adelante
Querétaro y Entonces, encontré México
Querétaro Municipio
Querétaro La Ciudad que queremos

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