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Fflur Dafydd

The Library Suicides

Hay Festival 2023, 

The novelist, musician and screenwriter, who writes in Welsh and English, presents the story of twins Ana and Nan, lost after the death of their mother, a renowned author who seemingly killed herself by jumping out of a window, naming her biographer and critic Eben as being responsible for her death. During a night shift in their job at the labyrinthine National Library of Wales, the twins plan to enact their revenge on Eben by locking down the building. But when one rogue security guard starts upsetting the plan and freeing captives, Ana, Nan and Eben find themselves pushed to the limit and what began as a single-minded act of revenge blooms into a complex unravelling of loyalties and motives. Fflur Dafydd is a former Hay Festival International Fellow and has been nominated for several BAFTA Cymru awards for her screenwriting work.

Dafydd is in conversation with writer and broadcaster Hannah French.

Fflur Dafydd