Two writers share their view on a subject that is revolutionary, private and controversial all at once: gender identity. The writer and journalist Mark Gevisser (South Africa) is the author de The Pink Line: The World’s Queer Frontiers (2022), a look at the incredible political, social and cultural transformations that have occurred already during our century with regard to sexual orientation and gender identity; from the achievements of the dissident movements that have resulted in the legalization of marriage between people of the same sex, and gender transitions, to tougher penalties for homosexuality, the two opposing positions have become entrenched. Gabriela Wiener (Peru) is a fiction writer and journalist; this expert on matters related to gender and feminism won the 2018 National Journalism Prize for investigating a case of sexual violence. She has written highly successful books that have tackled the issue of gender, including Sexografías, Nueve lunas and Dicen de mí. They will talk with the editor of the Radio Ambulante podcast, Ana Pais.
Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish available