Event HJ4

Raquel Martínez-Gómez

Writing workshop. Young people and the scourge of inequality

Universidad de Cartagena - Paraninfo Rafael Núñez

Raquel Martínez-Gómez (Spain) offered a writing workshop for young people from Cartagena who want to tell the stories of their lives, putting an emphasis on how an inequality of opportunities and a lack of human rights guarantees have affected their lives. The workshop provided basic tools to do this and the goal is to create a publication that will offer a compilation of the different stories. All the work was be done using a collaborative methodology, accompanied by the writer Raquel Martínez-Gómez. The stories build images with words that identify the consequences of the different inequalities and how these combine. During the pandemic, the mental health of young people deteriorated and the habit of writing can be a healing one. An increase in gender violence has been another of the worrying aspects of the Covid crisis. At this workshop, young people shared their stories in order to understand that the lack of care that many young people suffer from has causes and that it is important to tackle solutions together.

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