Bogota writer Juan Gabriel Vásquez is the author of a dozen books that are published in more than 30 languages and have made him one of the most widely read Colombian authors in the world. Novels such as The Sound of Things Falling (2011), which this year is celebrated with a special ten-year edition, and The Shape of the Ruins (2016) have earned him, among other awards, the Alfaguara Prize, the Gregor von Rezzori-Città di Firenze Award, the Irish IMPAC International Literary Prize and the Roger Caillois Career Prize. In addition, Vásquez is a translator and his opinion pieces appear regularly in El Espectador and El País. In his latest book, Volver la vista atrás, winner of the 2021 Mario Vargas Llosa Biennial Novel Prize, he skilfully narrates the life and work of the great Colombian film director Sergio Cabrera. At this event, the author will talk about his extensive bibliography with Irene Vallejo.
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