If there is something that the recent and ongoing crisis has taught us it is the vital importance of the environment, our home, and caring for it in order to ensure that people can lead full and abundant lives. The scientist and thinker Brigitte Baptiste (Colombia), Rector of the EAN University and regular contributor to media such as La República, was at the head of the Humboldt Institute for many years and is an authority on the management and care of Colombia’s incredible biodiversity. The writer Ignacio Piedrahíta, a geologist and novelist, brings the two fields together in his books, with published novels that include Un mar and the books of travel writing Al oído de la cordillera and Grávido río. His book La verdad de lo ríos, a work published together with the national Truth Commission, talks about the importance of rivers for communities, as well as about their history and development. They will talk to Tatiana Pardo.