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Timandra Harkness, Harriet Kingaby, Peter Lacy, Rohit Talwar

Can Artificial Intelligence Be Ethical?

Hay Festival 2018, 

AI is going to transform society over the next couple of decades, and we can’t wish it away. But can we ride the robot tiger and make it serve, rather than enslave, us? Can AI be a tool of liberation and sustainability, not just a scarily efficient way of making rich corporations richer, while robbing us of all our privacy? Do we need an ethical code for computers – a Hippocratic Oath for the algorithms? And if so, how do we go about creating one – and getting it adopted? Chaired by Writer and Green Futurist, Martin Wright.

OLGA TOKARCZUK in conversation with Gaby Wood

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OLGA TOKARCZUK in conversation with Gaby Wood