(Mexico City, 1987) A graduate in Literary Studies from the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (UAQ, 2014) he took a diploma in Editorial Design from UNAM in 2015. In 2012 he won second prize in Punto de Partida’s National Short Story Prize, Competition 43 (UNAM) and first prize in the José Saramago International Non-fiction Prize for Students (UNAM). He won a Coordinación Nacional de Becas de Educación Superior (CNBES, 2013) fellowship to study abroad and an APOYARTE fellowship from the Instituto Queretano de la Cultura y las Artes (IQCA, 2014). He was published in Un siglo de pura sombra, the anthology published by the 3rd Jesús Gardea National Young Writers’ Event at the Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (UACH, 2015). He has published short stories in literary magazines such as La Charola, Punto de Partida, Aeroletras and A buen puerto. He is the founder of the publisher Revarena Ediciones.