Hay Festival Colombia Digital

Hay Festival Colombia took place from 21 to 30 of January 2022, with events in the cities of Cartagena de Indias, Medellín and Jericó. You are currently browsing the digital programme of the festival.

If you want to browse the in-person events of Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias, click here.

If you want to browse the in-person events of Hay Festival Medellín, click here.

If you want to browse the in-person events of Hay Festival Jericó, click here.

Event 57

Marta Nieto reads Jon Fosse

In the skin of the Nobel

 IE University. Sala Capitular

Jon Fosse's theater has not yet been represented in Spain in an open way. With this presentation, Editorial De Conatus wants to show the power of this author who has written more than 30 plays. All the innovation of Fosse's style is felt above all in the dialogues. Fosse has said many times that he writes music and that is how it can be felt in the reading aloud that a great actress like Marta Nieto can interpret. Silence and expressiveness, poignancy and depth. In addition to the 2023 Nobel Prize, Fosse was a finalist for the International Booker Prize 2022, National Book Award 2022, Circle Award, as well as Book of the Year in The New Yorker. Among his books, Trilogy and Septology stand out: The Other Name (I and II); I is another and A new name.

The event will be presented by Silvia Bardelás, editor of Editorial De Conatus

Event in Spanish

Event 54

Antonio Filipe Pimentel and Antonio Monteiro in conversation with Lorenzo de’ Medici

Patronage today

 Torreón de Lozoya

Patronage of different kinds is one of the major forms of promoting and protecting creative works. Three outstanding cultural figures who understand its importance, both in the public and private spheres, come to the Hay Festival Segovia. They are Antonio Filipe Pimentel, Director of the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, also in the Portuguese capital, who will talk about private patronage; and the ambassador Antonio Monteiro, Chair of the Millennium Bank Foundation, who will talk about support for public institutions and private creators through his foundation.

Prince Lorenzo de’ Medici, a direct descendent from a branch of the historical family of patrons, will moderate this event.

Event in Spanish

This event has taken place

Event 53

Eva Meijer in conversation with Jesús Ruiz Mantilla

Animal language and depression

 IE University

"Humans have spent decades trying to teach other animals our language... but have made little effort to learn theirs.” So says Eva Meijer, writer, philosopher and singer-songwriter, who bases much of her work on questions of language, both political and animal, since writing her award-winning doctoral thesis: Cuando los animales hablan (When Animals Speak). Her sixth novel, Sea: now, has been translated into eighteen languages. Her biography includes a long history of struggling and living with depression. This is the subject of one of her latest works translated in Spain: The limits of my language. Meditations on depression. She publishes essays and columns in the media in her native Netherlands.

Eva Meijer will talk to Jesús Ruiz Mantilla, journalist and writer, author, among other works, of Papel

There will be a book-signing at the bookstand in front of IE University

Event in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish

This event has taken place

Event 55

María José Gálvez, Isabel Izquierdo, Elvira Marco and Marifé Boix

Spain at the Frankfurt Book Fair

 La Alhóndiga. Escenario Gales / Llwyfan Cymru

Spain is the Guest of Honour at this year's Frankfurt Book Fair, a unique opportunity to showcase Spanish culture and literature to the world. Under the hashtag Overflowing Creativity, Spain will take 450 books in Spanish translated into German to the event. The sector will be represented by 400 publishers and more than 200 authors, and the cultural programme will offer a wide variety of genres and art forms through exhibitions, dance performances, theatrical performances, musical events and publications especially designed for presentation in Germany. This international event will be presented and discussed by María José Gálvez, director general of Books and the Promotion of Reading at the Ministry of Culture and Sport; Isabel Izquierdo, director of programming at Acción Cultural Española, AC/E; the project curator Elvira Marco; and Marifé Boix, vice-president for Southern Europe and Latin America at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

Event in Spanish

This event has taken place
María José Gálvez, Isabel Izquierdo, Elvira Marco and Marifé Boix

Event 56

Nicola Lagioia in conversation with Manuel Jabois

Reality and fiction

 IE University

In 2010, Nicola Lagioia was named one of the best Italian writers under the age of forty. Twelve years later, five novels translated into fifteen languages confirm the early acclaim. The City of the Living, based on a real crime that shocked Italy, has just been published in Spain. Lagioia is also a member of the jury of the Venice Film Festival, director of the Turin International Book Fair and a contributor to Radio 3. His novels also include Ferocity.

The Italian writer will talk with another prominent, Spanish author, Manuel Jabois, journalist and storyteller, author of novels such as Malaherba and Miss Marte and non-fiction books such as Nos vemos en esta vida o en la otra and Irse a Madrid.

The event is presented by the director of Istituto Italiano, Marialuisa Pappalardo.

The authors will sign copies of their works at the bookstand in front of IE University

With simultaneous translation from Italian to Spanish and from Spanish to Italian and vice versa

This event has taken place

Event 57

Clemens Schlettwein and Gemma Knowles in conversation with William Mut

Ecology and animal Welfare

 Torreón de Lozoya

Twenty years ago, Clemens Schlettwein, an investor and philanthropist specialising in environmental conservation projects, and Gemma Knowles, a holistic animal therapist and dog nutritionist, author of several books on animal welfare, started their life project together, running a shelter for dogs and cats in El Garraf (Barcelona). Project and life partners, they have launched various enterprises related, for instance, to permaculture with horses or the development of a solar car. They will talk about all this with William Mut, an expert consultant in policies and promotion of productive investment, who has worked with numerous multilateral institutions including the World Bank, the United Nations, COMESA and the EU.

Event in Spanish

This event has taken place

Event 58

Antony Beevor and Antonio Muñoz Molina in conversation

Russia after the Empire of The Tsars

 IE University

Russia is the latest work by the British historian and novelist, Antony Beevor. This World War II specialist returns to non-fiction, and to an area he knows well: Russia after the tsars. The struggle that took place between 1917 and 1921 between an alliance of moderate socialists and reactionary monarchists, and Trotsky’s Red Army, as well as Lenin’s subsequent dictatorship, are the themes of this work, which draws on the latest scholarship in the field. The book depicts this period and its conflicts as a world war by proxy, through the eyes of different figures, including a worker in the streets of Petrograd, a cavalry officer, and a woman doctor in a makeshift hospital. This multi-award winning author, translated into over thirty languages (published in Spanish by Crítica), will talk to one of our most prestigious writers, the academic Antonio Muñoz Molina, the author of titles such as El jinete polaco and Volver a dónde.

The event will be presented by Carmen Esteban, CEO of Crítica publishing house.

Once the event has finished, the authors will sign books in the booth outside IE University.

With simultaneous translation from English into Spanish and vice versa

This event has taken place

Event 59

Mariano Sigman in conversation with Anne McElvoy

The mysteries of the mind

 IE University

Mariano Sigman is one of the world's leading neuroscientists, with more than 150 publications in the most prestigious scientific journals. He is also passionate about experimentation, and has worked with magicians, chefs, chess players, musicians, sportsmen and visual artists, bringing together neuroscience expertise and different aspects of human culture to apply them in different environments. He is the author of the bestseller The Secret Life of the Mind. In his lectures he explores what lessons can be drawn from mental functioning in areas such as decision-making, leadership, team management, personal development and creative skills, always making use of experiments and games to ensure a high level of audience participation.

Anne McElvoy has been policy editor, and head of audio at The Economist, and is now executive editor. The Economist Asks, her weekly Thursday interview show/podcast, has gathered hundreds of high-profile newsmakers from all around the world.

There will be a book-signing at the bookstand in front of IE University

Event with simultaneous translation from English to Spanish and vice versa

This event has taken place

Event 60

Carme Riera in conversation with Angélica Tanarro

A novel life

 La Alhóndiga. Escenario Gales / Llwyfan Cymru

The literary career of Carme Riera, writer, screenwriter, professor and academic at the RAE, is dotted with awards that underline her many contributions to the different genres through which her writing has traveled: from the short story to the essay, passing through the novel in its different forms, children's literature, autofiction... The Premio Nacional de Narrativa for El último azul, the Sant Jordi Prize for La mitad del alma, or the National Award for Spanish Letters in 2015 are just three examples of the many awards received. Her works have been translated into twenty languages. Some of her literary studies and anthologies have remained in the canon of the genre, such as Partidarios de la felicidad, about the poets of the Barcelona School. A bilingual writer in Catalan and Spanish, translator of her own work, Riera has applied the same passion and erudition she has applied to her entire career to a character who used this same recipe in her work as a mythical literary agent: Carmen Balcells, traficante de palabras is her latest work, a biography that brings two great women face to face.

Riera will talk to journalist and writer Angélica Tanarro.

Event in Spanish

Once the event has finished, authors will sign books in the booth at calle Real.

This event has taken place

Event 63

Miquel Barceló in conversation with Enrique Juncosa

 IE University

Miquel Barceló's latest works, a series of large-scale still lifes, will be the main focus of this internationally renowned Spanish artist’s appearance at the Hay Festival. The pieces are to be exhibited at the Thaddeus Ropac gallery in Pantin on the outskirts of Paris in October, and one will be part of an exhibition on the genre of still life at the Louvre in Paris. Associated with neo-expressionism, Barceló's work has evolved to become one of the most original on the European scene.

Barceló will be in conversation with the writer and exhibition curator Enrique Juncosa. He was director of the Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin from 2003 to 2012, for which he received the Order of Civil Merit. Before that, he was deputy director of IVAM and the Reina Sofía Museum. He has curated more than 70 exhibitions in major museums around the world.

The event will be presented by Sofía Barroso.

Event in Spanish

Photo credit: Ramón Pérez Niz. CC BY-SA 2.0

This event has taken place

Event 64

Liv Strömquist in conversation with Nuria Labari

The Dictatorship of the Image

 IE University

Liv Strömquist is one of Sweden's most prestigious comic artists, as well as a committed feminist activist. In her latest comic, The Hall of Mirrors, the author asks to what extent the dictatorship of the image has undermined our relationship with our bodies. Always acidic and irreverent, the author tries to explain, through current personalities, pop references and philosophical theories, how our world has changed in the Instagram era.

She will reflect on this and other highly topical issues together with the writer and journalist Nuria Labari, with the aim of unravelling the canon that enslaves us, and trying to find some reality among so many filters.

Strömquist is one of Europe's most irreverent cartoonists, as well as a popular radio and television broadcaster. Her graphic essays have been published in Spain: El fruto prohibido, Los sentimientos del Príncipe Carlos, No siento nada, and recently La sala de los espejos.

Nuria Labari is a writer and journalist. Her latest novel is The Last White Man (Random House, 2022). Her career and professional life have intertwined with the digital transformation of the media and her work has been translated into English, Romanian and Swedish.

There will be a book-signing at the bookstand in front of IE University

Event in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish

This event has taken place

Event 69

Joana Marcús and Iria G. Parente in convesation with Rosa Samper

From web to paper

 IE University

Joana Marcús, an early reader and writer, discovered Whattpad, a digital platform where users can read online or share their own stories, at the age of eleven. By the age of 15, she had published six stories, including Irresistible Propuesta, which garnered 300,000 views. Now she has made the leap to Crossbooks, which has published her trilogy Fuego. This same platform put Iria G. Parente, writer and publicist, in contact with Selene M. Pascual, with whom she creates her novels for young readers. After several titles, Secretos de luna llena gave rise to one of her most successful sagas, Marabilia, which was published by Nocturna and is currently in production for television.

Joana Marcús and Iria G. Parente will talk with her editor, Rosa Samper.

Event in Spanish

Once the event has finished, the authors will sign books in the booth outside IE University.

This event has taken place

Event 68

Nerea Luis Mingueza and Mónica Rikic in conversation with Miquel Molina

On artists and robots

 Torreón de Lozoya

The rapid development of technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics mean that the debates about their advantages and ethical implications are constantly being updated. Digital culture is another area whether our attitudes need to be continuously revised. Nerea Luis Mingueza is a Doctor of Computing Science and an enthusiastic educator in matters related to artificial intelligence and robotics. Mónica Rikic is an electronic artist and a creative programmer. Her work explores the unknown land that lies at the interface between human and machine.

Nerea Luis Mingueza and Mónica Rikic will talk to the writer and journalist Miquel Molina, Assistant Editor of La Vanguardia.

Event in Spanish

This event has taken place

Event 71

Antonio Muñoz Molina in conversation with Ana Gavin

The impossible return

 La Alhóndiga. Escenario Gales / Llwyfan Cymru

The pandemic was a time of fear and uncertainty, but also of silence and reading, of reflection on the past. Antonio Muñoz Molina, an RAE member and one of the most distinguished writers on the Spanish literary scene, puts his brilliant analytical prose to the service of memory. The memory of a recent time, one hidden from the history books, and another memory: the world of his childhood in the countryside, which will die when his last protagonists die. Volver a dónde talks about those days of contemplation, of confusing and alarming news, but also of hope for the future. It is a brilliant addition to an impressive oeuvre that includes novels, essays, diaries and stories; a career that has been worthy of major prizes including the Princess of Asturias Literature Award.

Muñoz Molina will talk to Ana Gavin, Publishing Relations Manager for the Planeta Group and a publisher with many years of experience, including working with outstanding figures in Spanish-language literature.

The writer will sign his works after the event at the stand on Calle Real.

Event in Spanish

This event has taken place

Event 73

Juan Herreros and Martin Braathen

Architecture, sustainability and design

 IE University

The Munch in Oslo is one of those new pieces of architecture that are establishing Oslo's image as a capital of sustainable, egalitarian and civilised modernity. It is the latest work by Spanish architect Juan Herreros, whose career includes other art-related creations. The verticality of the museum is one of its most outstanding features. "A disruptive idea, like hanging paintings along a spiral ramp," say the studio's directors, referring to Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim in New York. This Hay Festival, Herreros will speak about architecture, design, sustainability and interaction with the environment, as the dynamic nature of this centre allows visitors to discover both Munch's work and Oslo; the scale of the city further revealed the higher you go.

He will talk with Martin Braathen, architect and Senior Curator of Architecture at the National Museum, Oslo, M.Arch in Architecture, PhD in Architecture history (2019), formerly editor of journal Arkitektnytt, and acting director of Oslo Architecture Triennale. Braathen has many years of experience as freelance architecture critic and writer, curator.

The event will be presented by Edgar Gonzalez, Associate Dean at IE School of Architecture and Design.

Picture: Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design

Event in English and Spanish with simultaneous translation into Spanish and English.

This event has taken place

Event 72

Hana Jalloul, Celia Villalobos, Simon Kuper, Adrian Wooldridge and Santiago Iñiguez

Meritocracy and elitism

 IE University

Santiago Iñiguez, Executive President of IE University and an international expert in education, brings together a group of experts to debate the meaning of meritocracy and its implications in education and other spheres of social life. The researcher into subjects related to international terrorism and member of the Assembly of Madrid, Hana Jalloul; the former politician Celia Villalobos, who was Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, Mayor of Malaga and Vice President of the Spanish Congress of deputies; the author of The Aristocracy of Talent: How Meritocracy Made it to the Modern World and international journalist, Adrian Wooldridge; and the Financial Times columnist Simon Kuper, author of Chums: How a Tiny Caste of Oxford Tories Took Over the UK reflect with Iñiguez on the impact of this phenomenon in history and in the future of our societies.

Once the event has finished, the authors will sign books in the booth outside IE University.

With simultaneous translation from English into Spanish and vice versa

This event has taken place

Event 78

Reading Javier Marías

 Torreon de Lozoya

Hay Festival pays homage in the simplest and most participatory way to one who has been one of the fundamental storytellers in recent decades. A joint public reading with journalist Pedro Zuazua as master of ceremonies.

Anyone who wants can come to read a paragraph of his works (articles, novels, essays) along with some of the participants in this edition of the festival.

The most meaningful and authentic tribute that an author can deserve.

The first confirmations to read are: Sofia Barroso, María Fasce, Reyes Monforte, Jesús Ruiz Mantilla, Carlos Aganzo, Beltrán Gambier, Geoffroy Gerard, Laura Garrido, Carlos Hernández-Lahoz, Nuria Ramos, Miguel Aguilar, Aurelio Martin, Alberto Marcos, Angélica Tanarro, Elizabeth Gruninger, Miquel Molina, Jesus Calero, Prince Lorenzo de´Medici and Pablo Moro.

Event in Spanish

This event has taken place
Reading Javier Marías

Event 75

Kate Daudy and Sir Konstantin Novoselov in conversation with Javier Gila

Imagine... Humanity. Everything is connected

 IE University

What do a refugee, a high-level politician and a carbon atom on the other side of the world have in common? All of them share the same pattern of existence. The prominent conceptual and multimedia artist Kate Daudy, who has worked on major international projects; and the scientist and artist Sir Konstantin Novoselov, winner of the 2010 Novel Prize for Physics, have been working since 2017 on a humanitarian art and science project whose goal is to explore the ways in which Everything Is Connected and to invite the public to reflect on these connections. Daudy and Novoselov, who will undertake an artistic intervention as part of the Hay Festival, believe that it is worth considering interconnection when assessing our behaviour: our lives are what our thoughts make them. They will talk at this event about their project, which has involved collaboration with different NGOs and institutions linked to humanitarian work in the context of aid and development cooperation.

They will talk to Javier Gila, chair of the Aida: Ayuda, Intercambio y Desarrollo association, who has been working with them on the project.

With simultaneous translation from English to Spanish and vice versa

This event has taken place

Event 77

Lara Moreno and Renato Cisneros in conversation

Hispano-American Dialogues

 La Alhóndiga. Escenario Gales / Llwyfan Cymru

Two writers with established careers who write their works on opposite sides of the Atlantic come together to talk about the worlds they reflect in their writings. In 2013, the Andalusian Lara Moreno published her first novel, Por si se va la luz. Critics welcomed it as an example of the neo-ruralist current in 21st-century Spanish literature. Piel de lobo is her second novel. She has also published short stories (Cuatro veces fuego), essay (Deshabitar) and poetry (Tuve una jaula). Renato Cisneros is a writer, journalist and television presenter. He has had a long career in the media in Peru, his native country. In 2010 he published his first novel, Nunca confíes en mí, which was followed by Raro, The Distance Between Us and Dejarás la tierra. He had previously published works of poetry, such as Ritual de los prójimos, and short stories (Cosas que no hay que contar).

Event in Spanish

Once the event has finished, authors will sign books in the booth at calle Real.

This event has taken place
Lara Moreno and Renato Cisneros in conversation

Event 79

Marta Williams, Beatriz Celaya and Sara Ayats in conversation with Luis Besa

Leadership, nationality and ethics

 La Alhóndiga. Escenario Gales / Llwyfan Cymru

Marta Williams, journalist and expert in leadership and coaching, is considered 'the mother of coaching in Spain'. A much sought-after participant in conferences on the subject, she works as a teacher in advanced training programmes for executives who want to be better leaders. Beatriz Celaya directs the publishing house Alt autores. She became involved in the publishing world on the wave of the digital revolution. In her publishing work, she tries to adapt to all formats and new forms of cultural consumption. She organises the Jornadas del Autor for the Basque Writers' Association, of which she is vice-president. Sara Ayats is Cloud provider manager of VN Ware in Spain and Portugal, and president of Aseabel, the association of Former Students of Belgium Universities and Friends of Belgium.

They will be in conversation with Luis Besa, journalist and philosophy professor.

Event in Spanish

This event has taken place
Marta Williams, Beatriz Celaya and Sara Ayats in conversation with Luis Besa

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