Online Events

Event 68

Nerea Luis Mingueza and Mónica Rikic in conversation with Miquel Molina

On artists and robots

 Torreón de Lozoya

The rapid development of technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics mean that the debates about their advantages and ethical implications are constantly being updated. Digital culture is another area whether our attitudes need to be continuously revised. Nerea Luis Mingueza is a Doctor of Computing Science and an enthusiastic educator in matters related to artificial intelligence and robotics. Mónica Rikic is an electronic artist and a creative programmer. Her work explores the unknown land that lies at the interface between human and machine.

Nerea Luis Mingueza and Mónica Rikic will talk to the writer and journalist Miquel Molina, Assistant Editor of La Vanguardia.

Event in Spanish

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Event 71

Antonio Muñoz Molina in conversation with Ana Gavin

The impossible return

 La Alhóndiga. Escenario Gales / Llwyfan Cymru

The pandemic was a time of fear and uncertainty, but also of silence and reading, of reflection on the past. Antonio Muñoz Molina, an RAE member and one of the most distinguished writers on the Spanish literary scene, puts his brilliant analytical prose to the service of memory. The memory of a recent time, one hidden from the history books, and another memory: the world of his childhood in the countryside, which will die when his last protagonists die. Volver a dónde talks about those days of contemplation, of confusing and alarming news, but also of hope for the future. It is a brilliant addition to an impressive oeuvre that includes novels, essays, diaries and stories; a career that has been worthy of major prizes including the Princess of Asturias Literature Award.

Muñoz Molina will talk to Ana Gavin, Publishing Relations Manager for the Planeta Group and a publisher with many years of experience, including working with outstanding figures in Spanish-language literature.

The writer will sign his works after the event at the stand on Calle Real.

Event in Spanish

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Event 73

Juan Herreros and Martin Braathen

Architecture, sustainability and design

 IE University

The Munch in Oslo is one of those new pieces of architecture that are establishing Oslo's image as a capital of sustainable, egalitarian and civilised modernity. It is the latest work by Spanish architect Juan Herreros, whose career includes other art-related creations. The verticality of the museum is one of its most outstanding features. "A disruptive idea, like hanging paintings along a spiral ramp," say the studio's directors, referring to Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim in New York. This Hay Festival, Herreros will speak about architecture, design, sustainability and interaction with the environment, as the dynamic nature of this centre allows visitors to discover both Munch's work and Oslo; the scale of the city further revealed the higher you go.

He will talk with Martin Braathen, architect and Senior Curator of Architecture at the National Museum, Oslo, M.Arch in Architecture, PhD in Architecture history (2019), formerly editor of journal Arkitektnytt, and acting director of Oslo Architecture Triennale. Braathen has many years of experience as freelance architecture critic and writer, curator.

The event will be presented by Edgar Gonzalez, Associate Dean at IE School of Architecture and Design.

Picture: Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design

Event in English and Spanish with simultaneous translation into Spanish and English.

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Event 72

Hana Jalloul, Celia Villalobos, Simon Kuper, Adrian Wooldridge and Santiago Iñiguez

Meritocracy and elitism

 IE University

Santiago Iñiguez, Executive President of IE University and an international expert in education, brings together a group of experts to debate the meaning of meritocracy and its implications in education and other spheres of social life. The researcher into subjects related to international terrorism and member of the Assembly of Madrid, Hana Jalloul; the former politician Celia Villalobos, who was Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, Mayor of Malaga and Vice President of the Spanish Congress of deputies; the author of The Aristocracy of Talent: How Meritocracy Made it to the Modern World and international journalist, Adrian Wooldridge; and the Financial Times columnist Simon Kuper, author of Chums: How a Tiny Caste of Oxford Tories Took Over the UK reflect with Iñiguez on the impact of this phenomenon in history and in the future of our societies.

Once the event has finished, the authors will sign books in the booth outside IE University.

With simultaneous translation from English into Spanish and vice versa

This event has taken place

Event 78

Reading Javier Marías

 Torreon de Lozoya

Hay Festival pays homage in the simplest and most participatory way to one who has been one of the fundamental storytellers in recent decades. A joint public reading with journalist Pedro Zuazua as master of ceremonies.

Anyone who wants can come to read a paragraph of his works (articles, novels, essays) along with some of the participants in this edition of the festival.

The most meaningful and authentic tribute that an author can deserve.

The first confirmations to read are: Sofia Barroso, María Fasce, Reyes Monforte, Jesús Ruiz Mantilla, Carlos Aganzo, Beltrán Gambier, Geoffroy Gerard, Laura Garrido, Carlos Hernández-Lahoz, Nuria Ramos, Miguel Aguilar, Aurelio Martin, Alberto Marcos, Angélica Tanarro, Elizabeth Gruninger, Miquel Molina, Jesus Calero, Prince Lorenzo de´Medici and Pablo Moro.

Event in Spanish

This event has taken place
Reading Javier Marías

Event 75

Kate Daudy and Sir Konstantin Novoselov in conversation with Javier Gila

Imagine... Humanity. Everything is connected

 IE University

What do a refugee, a high-level politician and a carbon atom on the other side of the world have in common? All of them share the same pattern of existence. The prominent conceptual and multimedia artist Kate Daudy, who has worked on major international projects; and the scientist and artist Sir Konstantin Novoselov, winner of the 2010 Novel Prize for Physics, have been working since 2017 on a humanitarian art and science project whose goal is to explore the ways in which Everything Is Connected and to invite the public to reflect on these connections. Daudy and Novoselov, who will undertake an artistic intervention as part of the Hay Festival, believe that it is worth considering interconnection when assessing our behaviour: our lives are what our thoughts make them. They will talk at this event about their project, which has involved collaboration with different NGOs and institutions linked to humanitarian work in the context of aid and development cooperation.

They will talk to Javier Gila, chair of the Aida: Ayuda, Intercambio y Desarrollo association, who has been working with them on the project.

With simultaneous translation from English to Spanish and vice versa

This event has taken place

Event 77

Lara Moreno and Renato Cisneros in conversation

Hispano-American Dialogues

 La Alhóndiga. Escenario Gales / Llwyfan Cymru

Two writers with established careers who write their works on opposite sides of the Atlantic come together to talk about the worlds they reflect in their writings. In 2013, the Andalusian Lara Moreno published her first novel, Por si se va la luz. Critics welcomed it as an example of the neo-ruralist current in 21st-century Spanish literature. Piel de lobo is her second novel. She has also published short stories (Cuatro veces fuego), essay (Deshabitar) and poetry (Tuve una jaula). Renato Cisneros is a writer, journalist and television presenter. He has had a long career in the media in Peru, his native country. In 2010 he published his first novel, Nunca confíes en mí, which was followed by Raro, The Distance Between Us and Dejarás la tierra. He had previously published works of poetry, such as Ritual de los prójimos, and short stories (Cosas que no hay que contar).

Event in Spanish

Once the event has finished, authors will sign books in the booth at calle Real.

This event has taken place
Lara Moreno and Renato Cisneros in conversation

Event 79

Marta Williams, Beatriz Celaya and Sara Ayats in conversation with Luis Besa

Leadership, nationality and ethics

 La Alhóndiga. Escenario Gales / Llwyfan Cymru

Marta Williams, journalist and expert in leadership and coaching, is considered 'the mother of coaching in Spain'. A much sought-after participant in conferences on the subject, she works as a teacher in advanced training programmes for executives who want to be better leaders. Beatriz Celaya directs the publishing house Alt autores. She became involved in the publishing world on the wave of the digital revolution. In her publishing work, she tries to adapt to all formats and new forms of cultural consumption. She organises the Jornadas del Autor for the Basque Writers' Association, of which she is vice-president. Sara Ayats is Cloud provider manager of VN Ware in Spain and Portugal, and president of Aseabel, the association of Former Students of Belgium Universities and Friends of Belgium.

They will be in conversation with Luis Besa, journalist and philosophy professor.

Event in Spanish

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Marta Williams, Beatriz Celaya and Sara Ayats in conversation with Luis Besa

Event 80

Tiago Pitta e Cunha and Jesus Calero in conversation with Carlos Aganzo

A look to the ocean

 IE University

Tiago Pitta e Cunha is one of the most significant international personalities on issues related to the oceans and the changes that need to happen in our attitude towards them. He has worked for over two decades to put maritime issues on political and institutional agendas. He has coordinated the European Union’s Integrated Maritime Policy at the office of the European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and has represented Portugal and the EU at the UN in various international bodies dedicated to all matters related to the sea. Also director of the Oceano Azul Foundation, in 2021 he received the Pessoa Prize, awarded annually to Portuguese nationals who have distinguished themselves as outstanding figures in scientific, artistic or literary life. He will talk with Jesus Calero, director of ABC Cultural, who researches oceans and their shipwrecks,

They will discuss the need to care for the oceans with journalist and poet Carlos Aganzo.

With simultaneous translation from Portuguese to Spanish and vice versa.

This event has taken place

Event 82

Valerio Rocco and Isabel Fuentes in conversation

Culture, an engine of change

 La Alhóndiga. Escenario Gales / Llwyfan Cymru

Culture is undoubtedly one of the main engines of change in a society. The directors of two of the country's most important cultural centres will return to the Festival they both know so well to debate this idea. Valerio Rocco has been director of the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid since 2019 and was previously vice-dean of Research, Knowledge Transfer and the Library at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, where he teaches History of Modern Philosophy. Isabel Fuentes, PhD Museology of Natural and Human Sciences, has spent twenty years working in scientific communication and cultural management in institutions such as the Residencia de Estudiantes, the National Museum of Natural Sciences and La Caixa Foundation. She is currently the director of CaixaForum.

Event in Spanish

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Event 84

Santiago Beruete and Alejandro Quecedo del Val in conversation with Beatriz González

Culture will save the planet

 IE University

Santiago Beruete, writer and philosopher, author of Verdolatria, Aprendivoros and Jardinosofia, and Alejandro Quecedo del Val, young eco-social activist and author of the essay Gritar lo que está callado, will explore ways out of the Ecosocial Crisis produced by the Anthropocene: ecological, social and cultural transitions necessary to put an end to this state of war with the planet.

Moderated by Beatriz González, director of De Conatus publishing house

Event in Spanish

Signing at the stand of Calle Real

This event has taken place

Event 85

Journey of the senses to Portugal

Cups of poetry and printmaking

 La Alhóndiga. Escenario Gales / Llwyfan Cymru

Seven wines, seven poets and seven engravings will be the focus of a literary and artistic journey of the senses to Portugal. The expert hand of Maria de Lurdes Vale, Director of Tourism in Portugal, will use Portuguese wines, the words of Portugal's renowned poets, and the engravings and illustrations of Lisbon artist Manuela Crespo. She will guide us on a journey through the landscapes, villages, people and cities of each of the seven regions of the country with which Spaniards share so much. The regions represented by the wines and poets will be: Porto e Norte, José Régio; Lisbon, Fernando Pessoa; Alentejo, Florbela Espanca; Algarve, Antonio Aleixo; Açores, Natália Correia; Madeira, José Tolentino Mendonça.

This event has taken place

Event 87

Leonardo Padura in conversation with Jesús Ruiz Mantilla

On detectives and comets

 IE University

Novels like The Man Who Loved Dogs and Como el polvo en el viento have made Leonardo Padura one of the major voices in Spanish-language fiction. The creator of the detective Mario Conde has set the latest title in this series, Personas decentes, in his native city, Havana; the action takes place in 2016 while the city is preparing to receive the president of the United States, Barack Obama, as part of what was to become known as the Cuban Thaw. The book deals with the events surrounding the appearance of a murdered former member of the Cuban government, found dead in his apartment. The story also takes us back to the city a century previously, at a time when the arrival of Halley’s comet was expected. Padura, who is a fiction writer, journalist and screenwriter, is a Princess of Asturias Literature prize-winner.

The Cuban writer will talk to the novelist and journalist Jesús Ruiz Mantilla, the author of Papel and other works.

Event in Spanish

The writers will sign copies of their works at the stand located opposite the IE University

This event has taken place

Event 88

Ángel Martín in conversation with Ángeles Aguilera

Festival Closing Event. On Mental Health

 IE University

Mental illness has a history of invisibility and prejudice and, for this reason, books such as Por si las voces vuelven are important in order to progress towards dismantling the myths about disorders that affect so many people. Ángel Martín, presenter, monologue performer, actor and streamer will talk about his recovery process after two weeks in a psychiatric ward. Apart from his book, he has also created a podcast, on which well-known artists directly tackle their mental health problems. He will talk about all this at the Hay Festival Segovia closing event with Ángeles Aguilera, Non-fiction Editor at Planeta.

Event in Spanish

This event has taken place
Ángel Martín in conversation with Ángeles Aguilera

Event 1

Henry Marsh, Rachel Clarke, Yurii Prokhasko, Andrii Myzak and Iryna Tsybukh in conversation

Love and Loss


Russia started the conflict in Ukraine in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea, and continues its war of aggression on the Ukrainian people. Countless families have lost their nearest and dearest. This event explores the experience and effects of love and loss.

Neurosurgeon Henry Marsh has worked for 30 years with colleagues in Ukraine and is helping doctors there to treat cases of trauma. His new book is And Finally: Matters of Life and Death. Rachel Clarke is an NHS palliative care doctor and author of Breathtaking, about life on the frontline during the first wave of the pandemic, and Dear Life, about her life in a hospice. Yurii Prokhasko is a literary critic-Germanist, translator, publicist, essayist and psychoanalyst who works at the Ivan Franko Institute in Lviv. Andrii Myzak is a neurosurgeon, and has translated into Ukranian Do no Harm by Henry Marsh and Dear Life by Rachel Clarke. Iryna Tsybukh is a teacher of media education at Youth MediaLab, is the author of Adviser for Young Journalists, and is a combat Medic at Hospitallers Paramedics.

Click here to watch this event in Ukrainian.

Closed captions are available for this event in English and Spanish. Click on the "cc" icon in the video frame to select.

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Event 2

Victoria Amelina, Emma Graham-Harrison, Lydia Cacho, Diana Berg, Yaryna Chornohuz and Janine di Giovanni

Women and War


Ukraine has been built by women. In the post-Soviet era, alcoholism and early death rates for men meant that women were the backbone of families and the economy. The Ukrainian army now has more women in it than any other except Israel. How will the war affect the struggle for women’s equality?

Emma Graham-Harrison is the Guardian's senior international correspondent. Lydia Cacho is a Mexican journalist, feminist, and human rights activist. Diana Berg is a Ukrainian activist, founder of Mariupol Art-Platform Tiu and organiser of the movement Donetsk is Ukraine. Yaryina Chornohuz is a poet military servicewoman and author of the collection How the Military Circle Bends. Janine di Giovanni is the co-Founder and Director of The Reckoning Project: Ukraine Testifies, a USAID-supported organization that documents and verifies war crimes and builds cases for international justice mechanisms.

Click here to watch this event in Ukrainian

Closed captions are available for this event in English and Spanish. Click on the "cc" icon in the video frame to select.

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Event 3

Elif Shafak (digital) talks to Charlotte Higgins


The Turkish-British novelist, author of 19 books including The Island of Missing Trees and Booker-shortlisted 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World, is an advocate for women's rights and freedom of speech. She talks to Charlotte Higgins, The Guardian's chief culture writer.

Closed captions are available for this event in English and Spanish. Click on the "cc" icon in the video frame to select.

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Elif Shafak (digital) talks to Charlotte Higgins

Event 4

Diana Berg, Ostap Slyvynsky, Artem Polezhaka and Emma Graham-Harrison

Art in times of conflict


From Picasso’s Guernica and Wilfred Owen’s poetry to the war rugs made by Afghani artisans, war has given rise to some of the most profound art we possess. In a world where social media rules, is there still a need for war art? What forms of expression has this conflict and others around the world created and how have social influencers responded?

Three Ukrainian artists – Diana Berg, designer and activist; Ostap Slyvynsk essayist, translator and poet, and Artem Polezhaka, poet-slammer singer and showman – talk to Emma Graham-Harrison, the Guardian’s senior international correspondent.

Click here to watch this event in Ukrainian.

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Event 5

The Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari, author of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind and the children’s book Unstoppable Us talks to the English writer of science fiction, comics and screenplays. Chaired by Sevgil Musayeva, editor-in-chief of Ukrayinska Pravda.

Click here to watch this event in Ukrainian.

Closed captions are available for this event in English and Spanish. Click on the "cc" icon in the video frame to select.

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Event 6

Volodymyr Yermolenko, Philippe Sands, Tetyana Oharkova, Misha Glenny and Pavlo Kazarin

The idea of Europe


Co-hosted with the Institute of Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna, this event explores how the war has changed people’s concept of Europe. How have the boundaries of Europe been defined previously – geographically, religiously, politically? Can we ever see Russia as a European country once again?

Volodymyr Yermolenko is a philosopher and editor of Ukraine World, an English-language news outlet. Philippe Sands is an international human rights lawyer and author of East West Street: On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity. Tetyana Oharkova is a Ukrainian literary scholar, journalist and essayist. Pavlo Kazarin is a journalit, publicist and philologist-literary critic, author of Wild West of Eastern Europe. Chaired by Misha Glenny, British journalist and IWM Rector, author of McMafia and known for his focus on global crime.

Click here to watch this event in Ukrainian.

Closed captions are available for this event in English and Spanish. Click on the "cc" icon in the video frame to select.

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