Hay Festival Colombia Foundation Benefactors

Cartagena audience

Announcement to Benefactors

Hay Festival Colombia 2025

Dear Benefactors of Hay Festival Colombia.

Hay Festival will celebrate its twentieth anniversary in Colombia in 2025, after two decades of conversations with more than a thousand participants from all over the world and tens of thousands of attendees. These are twenty years of transformations and changes for the Colombian and international societies, in which culture and dialogue have played a fundamental role, helping us to understand our contexts, to know our past, and to imagine a better world.

You have been part of this journey, as Benefactors, and thanks to your donations to the Benefactors programme, we have been able to bring our programming to diverse audiences, as Hay Festival and Hay Festival Comunitario, not only in Cartagena de Indias, but to several municipalities in the department of Bolívar.

By 2025, the benefactor plan will have the following value:

  • $2.250.000 for one person - Single Benefactor Plan (PBS)
  • $4.000.000 for two people - Double Benefactor Plan (PBD)

Those who join the Benefactors Program are entitled to the following benefits:

  • Benefactors will be entitled to a badge that identifies them to the organization as a benefactor of the festival (the badge will not grant access to events in the program)
  • Priority in selecting conversations from the general program of the Hay Festival Cartagena, during the first two weeks after the programme has been launched (between November 19 and December 9, 2024*).
  • Up to 20 single/double tickets per person: 1 ticket per event for the Single Plan and 2 tickets per event for the Double Plan.
  • Priority access with reserved seating at the Teatro Adolfo Mejía and the Centro de Convenciones (Salón Getsemaní and Salón Barahona). The seatings will be reserved until 10 minutes before the event starts
  • Commemorative book of the Hay Festival Cartagena signed by its author, Daniel Mordzinski.
  • Donation certificate to access tax benefits for the donation.
  • Access to social activities organized by the festival.

*Starting from December 9, the selection of events will be subject to availability.

To make your contribution before November 19, we have the following payment methods:

  • Credit Card payment

Single Benefactor Plan (PBS)

Double Benefactor Plan (PBD)

  • Payment by transfer or deposit:

Deposit or transfer to the Banco Itaú Current Account 501374771, in the name of Fundación Hay Festival Colombia -Nit 900.255.241-8

It is essential to send proof of payment or deposit to the email nataliacantillo@gematours.com with a copy to tatiana@hayfestival.org with the name and contact information of those who have joined the program.

Deposits made and not notified to the emails described do not commit the Hay Festival Colombia Foundation to reserve a place in the Benefactor Plan.

Thanks to your support, the Hay Festival reaches more people every year.
